It is our aim at Edmonton County School to educate children within a quality learning environment, maximising each child’s potential. It is recognised that within each year group there will be children who have a general all round higher ability. There will also be children with more specific abilities that are greater than those of the majority of their age peers.
Edmonton County School aims to support the learning of all children. Children with particular gifts and talents must be recognised and helped to reach their full potential – intellectually, emotionally, aesthetically, socially and physically. We are working to provide a challenging and stimulating learning environment for all, which offers the opportunities for children to shine and develop an enthusiasm for lifelong learning.
Identification of the particular gifts and talents of children allows us to target opportunities wisely. However, provision is not targeted at a small percentage of children who are outstanding in all areas, but includes a much larger group of children who have particular strengths and/or interests in specific areas. We aim to maximise opportunities for all members of our community.
In order to identify this rich diversity of abilities, it is essential to adopt a variety of methods when identifying Able, Gifted and Talented children. It is also recognised that those children who are gifted and talented do not always show their ability. The use of the whole school tracking data and pupil progress meetings, aims to help make early identification of underachievers for staff easier.
We do not intend to neglect the needs and interests of less able children. Enriching lessons and activities to target the AG&T cohort may also raise expectations more generally and so benefits all children.
We aim to celebrate achievement and create an ethos where it is okay to be bright and enthusiastic.